OUTFIT like a kid

| Coat: Mango | Sweater: F21 | Printed Jeans: River Island (get similar here)| Boots: Taft |

photos: Naomi

For this time of the year it isn't really cold. So my sister and I drove to the woods and discovered the small 'aventure parc'. 

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5 opmerkingen:

Diana Marks zei

great outfit!

Happy New Year!

LA By Diana Live Magazine

Fashion FM zei

such a pretty outfit! & the pictures are amazing, love it ;)

Marjolein | NeverTooPolished zei

Lovely detail shot in nr. 2!

X Marjolein - Never Too Polished.com

Dascha zei

You look amazing girl!!


Fleur Engelina Julietta Feijen zei

Wow een witte broek dat is gewaagd haha! Wel super leuK!

