Koninginnedag 2010

10 opmerkingen:

Rose zei

jammer he van koninginnendag/nacht. Je hebt nog wel hele leuke foto's kunnen maken zeg! Het ziet er wel gezellig uit!

rouli zei

cool sunglasses!!!!!!

lovely blog u have!!!!

thanx for comment!!!!

i followed u...!come follow me too if u want:))




thankyou for your lovely comment on my blog. sorry it's such a mess at the moment, i'm kind of neglecting it until the 16th of June (when I leave school for good) and it'll hopefully improve drastically.

I'm definitely going to follow.

i hope to see you as one of my followers, although it may take a while to get my blog up and running again - my apologies >.<

much loveeee.

Nadine zei

leuke foto's!
Knappe meid ben je ook hoor!

Leuk spijkerjasje in je vorige outfit!

Anoniem zei

hay gorgeouss..
this is my first time on ur blog and i love it so much :)
im following you :)
would you check out mine and follow me back?
thankyou so much :)

Anoniem zei

Cute, Love your sunnies:)

Vintagirie zei

Gave bril man!

kicaj zei

wow, crazy glasses, love the heartshaped one:)

agnes zei

j'adore tes lunettes noires, et celles de ton amie, sont originales

Naomi zei

ey wtf je heb me grijze vest aan hahah!