| Parka: Mango | Jumper and Coated Skinny: HM | Boots: Zara |
photos: Anke
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| Turtleneck and destroyed jeans: HM | Ankle Boots: Dune (similar here) | Bracelet: Gift |
photos: Naomi
Actually this photo is from a few weeks ago, luckily the snow is away now.
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I guess you already discovered &Other Stories?! These are my favorites, what are yours?
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| 1. At my father's birthday | 2. I found some boots at the Zara sale | 3. The cat from my friend Femke | 4. Went to 'The Impossible', heavy movie! | 5. So afterwards we had some wine | 6. At De Kroon | 7. I Tried some new tea | 8. Had some coffee at Noordwest | 9. At my sister's place | 10. Waiting for the train with my zebra suitcase | 11. Dinner with Anke before we went to | 12. The Best of Balanchine | 13. Waiting for the ferry to the center of Amsterdam | 14. I had a great night with my girls | 15. Busted!! | 16. Curls for one day | 17. Finally some sun | 18. Had some breakfast with Lieske at Mazzo |
Instagram username: @ambypure
What's yours?
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